torsdag, juli 30, 2009

National House Church Conference i Dallas

4-6. september arrangeres den årlige National House Church Conference i Dallas, Texas. Arrangørene sier at disse vil ha utbytte av arrangementet:

* If you’re thinking about starting a house church
* If you want to explore house church or are already involved in a house church
* If you’re leading/involved in a Missional Community
* If you’re a church planter looking to explore alternative ways of planting a church
* If you’re a church leader or pastor who wants to find out or become involved in what God is doing through the Mega and Micro church

Arrangøren hevder også at husmenigheter øker eksplosivt i USA, parallelt med sterk vekst i megakirker. Det vil bli fokusert på begge disse trendene under konferansen. Les mer om National House Church Conference - You’re Invited!


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